El Pastor Renovado

Richard Baxter

Banner of Truth

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Estas pginas, preparadas originalmente para la reunin de una asociacin de ministros de Worcestershire en 1656, tratan los medios por los cuales se pueden efectuar tales cambios. En su ruego ferviente para que los pastores desempearan sus obligaciones espirituales. Baxter, en palabras de su contemporneo Thomas Manton, "se acerc ms a los escritos apostlicos que ningn otro hombre de su poca". Un siglo despus, Philip Doddridge escribi, "El pastor renovado es un documento extraordinario {...}muchos hombres buenos son meras sombras de lo que - con la bendicin de Dios - podran ser, si las mximas y medidas expuestas en este tratado incomparable se persiguieran rigurosamente".

English Translation: These pages, originally prepared for the reunion of an association of ministers from Worcestershire in 1656, deal with the means for which they could make such changes. He prays fervently for the pastors to carry out their spiritual obligations. Baxter, in the words of his contemporary Thomas Manton, 'drew closer to the apostolic writings than any other man of his time'. A century later, Philip Doddridge wrote, 'El pastor renovado is an extraordinary document {} many good men are mere shadows of what they could have been with the benediction of God, if the maxims and the measures outlined in this paper had been rigorously pursued'.

  • 232 Pages
  • Paperback
  • July 1, 2009
  • 9781848710337