Lost In The Middle

Paul David Tripp

Shepherd Press

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Somewhere in our late 30's or so, we begin to consider that our life may be about half over. And year by year we become more intimately aware of the passage of time, and begin to observe more closely where we've come from, where we are headed, and what we've accomplished. People respond differently to a maturing assessment of their lives. You don't have to be paralyzed by regret or discouraged by the passing of your dreams. This time of life, which can seem like the end of many things, can actually welcome you to a brand new way of living. As is so often the case in your walk with the Lord, this moment of pain is also a moment of grace. Because of this, we all need to occasionally step back, slow down, and consider where we are going. Lost in the Middle will help you to do just that.
  • Paperback
  • 347 pages
  • 2004
  • 9780972304689