Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically is a 12-week study for churches and small groups that focuses on God's self-revelation in the Bible, helping the believer to apply the descriptions of God to all of life. The Kit includes 13 DVDs and 1 Leader Guide. The lessons are reinforced by five weekly lessons in the workbook (SKU: 668141) which is sold separately. Each participant in the study will need their own workbook. Each week's DVD is made up of three segments: the historical introduction, the sermon, and highlights taken from interviews with various contemporary religious leaders. The introduction is a short biographical sketch of a notable man or woman of God. The 30-minute sermon/lesson reinforces what you have been studying during the week, focusing on one aspect of the Christian life; the interviews are with contemporary ministers whose lives reflect these same truths. Each session is approximately 55 minutes long.