Welcome to cvbbs.com, the new home of Grace Books

On March 1, 2019 Grace Books acquired Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service. While we have poured our sweat and tears into Grace Books, we are faced with the reality that CVBBS has had a long-standing presence in the community for over 35 years. We have found that running the two websites has created extra work that we did not anticipate a year ago. As a result we have made the decision to move forward under the CVBBS brand.

Here’s what hasn’t changed: the people pulling, packing and shipping your books and the location from which your order is shipped. Since the very beginning we have prided ourselves on the care and attention we give to packing and shipping books to our customers. While our address has changed, we are still based in Carlisle PA. This means that transit times remain the same. More importantly, we still have same day access to all the great Banner of Truth titles you have come to expect. Also we are updating the economy shipping policy on CVBBS to match the shipping prices Grace Books customers have come to expect.

Here’s what has changed: Book selection. Our selection of books has actually increased. One of the most time intensive processes that we encounter is finding trustworthy resources to offer to our customers. Over the years CVBBS has used the same criteria for selecting books. As a result our back-list has grown significantly. More shipping options. CVBBS offers ground shipping options (UPS/Priority Mail) which reduce the transit times for packages. Live customer support, our phones are open Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm. Discounts.... We enjoyed a very minimalist existence at Grace Books. Low overhead, and limited customer interactions. This allowed us to be very aggressive in our pricing. While CVBBS is less aggressive with pricing, we are confident that we will continue to be among the lowest prices in the industry, particularly on back-list items.