The 1950s saw a change of direction for numbers within evangelicalism in England. It was a return to a more doctrinal Christianity, prompted in part by a rediscovery of the Reformers and Puritans and by the contemporary witness of such men as D.M. Lloyd-Jones and J.I. Packer. Amid this change, a little magazine, first published in Oxford in 1955, worked as a catalyst and became by 1958 as publishing house reaching some forty nations.
Blemishes and weaknesses the magazine certainly had, but the call for God-centred Christianity, and for a gospel certain that all is of grace, was widely received.
Without editing, the issues from September 1955 to August 1959 are here reprinted. This volume is not so much an historical document as a challenge for a reformation and revival that is no less urgent today.
- Hardcover
- 516 pages
- 9780851519197