From Death to Life: How Salvation Works

Allen Nelson

Free Grace Press

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Any serious-minded reader of Scripture has probably observed that the current culture's definition of what constitutes a Christian stands in stark contrast to the Bible's description of true believers. There are several streams that feed into this river of confusion, but a key contributor is an inaccurate understanding of how a person actually becomes a Christian. In From Death to Life: How Salvation Works, Pastor Allen Nelson puts forth a biblical case for how a person passes from the realm of being an unbeliever, into the Kingdom of light. This work shows that such an understanding has many practical ramifications for local churches as well as individual evangelistic endeavors. How salvation works is a subject important enough to spend some serious time considering and here is a gospel-focused, biblically oriented book that will lead readers to do just that. Pastors, laypersons, and even unbelievers will benefit from carefully thinking through these pages and examining its contents in light of Scripture.

  • Paperback
  • 200 pages
  • 2018
  • 9781599256030