John Newton (1725 1807) was a trophy of God s grace. His transformation from a blasphemous slave trader to a much loved minister of the gospel is a testimony to the powerful, life-changing grace of God in Jesus Christ. His hymns, letters, and other writings have been a source of strength and comfort to Christian believers for centuries. Jewels From John Newton, a volume of daily devotional readings, has been lovingly and carefully compiled by one who owes a great debt to the helpful writings of John Newton. She (Miller Ferrie) writes: 'What impresses me about this man is his honesty in readily admitting his struggles, sinfulness, and failures. This aspect of his writings has been such an encouragement to me personally, for it gave me the assurance that my own daily battles and humiliations are not unique. In addition, he repeatedly reminds his readers of God's trustworthiness, no matter what circumstances they might be facing. He never ceased to be amazed at God s grace in the gospel, and it was this grace that he sought to proclaim till his dying day.' The material included in this book is largely drawn from Newton s prolific correspondence, and covers a wide variety of topics related to the Christian's life and experience. Although written more than two hundred years ago, it remains as relevant and edifying as ever.
- Hardcover
- 384 pages
- 2016
- 9781848715554