The author of Amazing Grace and many other famous hymns was one of the best loved and most influential of the early evangelicals. His story was extraordinary. A sailor who was flogged for desertion, afterwards a slave in West Africa in all but name and then when rescued, a slave trader. He was converted in a great storm at sea. Although his path to assurance and service was slow, the ex-slaver, ex- lecher, ex-athiest became a true minister of the gospel. Richard Cecil was his first biographer. He had known "Mr. N." as he called him, in his later years and the book became a classic. Marilyn Rousse has added a great deal that Cecil did not know so that Newton becomes a fully rounded figure. She discovered unpublished letters and other treasures and adds a most useful Who's Who.
- Hardcover
- 420 pages
- 2001
- 9781857922844