The prophetic books Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are brief but powerful. They comfort us with the assurance that, when nothing in this life makes sense, God is still in control. They toughen our faith in the face of the world's ugly realities. And they reveal the complexities of humans in relation to God. Jonah ran from his divine commission. Habakkuk questioned God concerning his ways. Repenting under Jonah's message, the city of Ninevah ultimately backslid and reaped the doom prophesied by Nahum. And Zephaniah's 'remnant' depicts a faith that remains faithful. We needn't look too hard to find our own world and concerns mirrored in these books. Exploring the links between the Bible and our own times, James Bruckner shares perspectives on four of the Minor Prophets that reveal their enduring relevance for our twenty- first-century lives.
356 pages