People in the Bible - Jonah: Rebellion, Repentance and Revival

Day One Publications

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We are often told that good things come in small packages, and this is the case when it comes to the book of Jonah.  Through just four chapters we discover many layers to the life of this prophet and to the character of the God who does not give up—whether on this prophet, or on the barbaric city he called this prophet to reach.
We follow Jonah on the run, on the beach, in the city and eventually in the great dock of God.  As we uncover this dramatic story, we see that God has not only the will to reach a violent city, but also the grace to reach the heart of a stubborn prophet

About the Author:

William Wade was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and converted in his later teens from a broken and violent background.  A soldier with the British Army for seven years, serving in Northern Ireland, England, Germany and Saudi Arabia, he then spent fourteen years as a missionary to British Forces in Germany and England and is now Lead Pastor at Crossroads International Church, The Hague, the  Netherlands. He is married to Tulsi and has two daughters, Micah and Esme..