Nathanael Emmons understood the human heart in a way that few have in the history of the church. Selfishness: The Essence of Moral Depravity is a collection of the brilliance of Nathanael Emmons on the vital issues of sin and human depravity. In these sermons Emmons explains the sinful human condition in a way which sheds clear light on the heart of the sinner, so that even the most hardened sinner can understand his corruption. Sermons like these are not preached today. Emmons wrote: "All sin is of the same nature, and essentially consists in selfishness. Sin is a transgression of the law of love; and nothing but selfishness is a transgression of that law. God commands all men to love him supremely, and one another as themselves. When any man loves himself more than God, and his own good more than the good of any of his fellow- creatures, he is totally selfish; and his selfishness is a transgression of the divine law. All sinfulness may be traced to selfishness as its source. Men never act from any worse than selfish motives." Some of the sermons which deal with sin and depravity included in the book are: The Blindness of Sinners to Their Destruction, The Sin of Following the Multitude to Do Evil, Secure Sinners Love Their Security, Selfishness the Essence of Moral Depravity, The Deceitfulness of the Human Heart, Christ Will Reject Mercenary Followers, The Moral Inability of Sinners, The Nature of Sin, The Character and State of Judas, and The Nature and Necessity of Humility. Sermons in this volume also with a variety of subjects other than sin. The sermon "The Divine Sovereignty in the Death of Men" demonstrates the sovereignty of God over the life and death of all men. Emmons sermon "Reprobation" shows the necessity of believing and preaching the doctrine of reprobation. "The Faith of Miracles" addresses the issue of faith healing so misunderstood in our time. Emmons was a patriot and an ardent supporter of the American Revolution. In his sermon "Jereboam," he warns of the danger our nation will face if we elect men to high office who are not godly. Several sermons on divine judgment included are: The Vindictive Justice of God, Saints Desire God to Punish Sinners, and Reflections of Sinners in Hell. Selfishness: The Essence of Moral Depravity is now available. It contains 20 sermons of Nathanael Emmons and is 271 pages in length. It also has a brief biography of Nathanael Emmons and an introduction by Richard Smith and William C. Nichols.
- Hardcover
- 271 pages
- 2009
- 9781892838162