What is evangelism? Inviting people to a Bible study? Presenting three or four basic facts? Feeding the hungry? Being a friend to non-Christians? "The mandate our Lord gave us," writes Will Metxger, "was to teach 'them to obey everything I have commanded.'" the author helps us tell the truth--and the whole truth--with a comprehensive presentation of what it means for whole people to offer the whole gospel to the whole of a person's life. Metzger begins by fully examining the content of the gospel message, emphasizing God's holiness and sovereignty as well as his love. Next he considers how this gospel seeks not merely to evoke decisions but to engage the mid, move the emotions and challenge the will so that conversation is true and total. After describing what the bearers of the Good News are to be like, Metzger concludes with practical suggestions for communicating the message of salvation. An appendix offers tools for training others in evangelism. Here is a book for those wanting to grow in God-centered witnessing.
300 pages