As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith turned Luther's eyes away from his own 'goodness' and onto Christ for the forgiveness of sins, giving him genuine peace and assurance that can only come from God. Ironically, this simple faith also turned 1500s Europe upside down. A World Upside Down tells Martin Luther's story, showing that in the midst of stormy circumstances and opposition (both from within Luther and from without), he came to find true rest through faith in Jesus. This indeed was the end of his life and thinking about God. Martin Luther's life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone. Trusting in Christ, we will accurately see ourselves and the world from God's perspective, know genuine peace which can only come from God, and live a fruitful life for the glory and honor of God.