Unto Others - Rediscovering the Golden Rule

Dave Swavely

Cruciform Press

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We have forgotten the most important thing Jesus ever said about daily life,
and we all suffer as a result. / Unto Others explains why the meaning of
the Golden Rule needs to be recovered today, and how it can be a great key
to success in our relationships when practiced the right way. / Remember
"WWJD"? The Prayer of Jabez? Christians appreciate concise maxims to
help us remember and apply the principles and promises of God’s Word.
Some of these techniques have been problematic. But the Golden Rule is a
divinely inspired, always correct way of remembering and applying “all the
law and prophets,” because that’s what it represents and summarizes,
according to Jesus (Matt. 7:12). / Amazingly, this is the only book on the
Golden Rule written from a pastoral and theological perspective


140 pages

Sept 2022