Preaching for Conversions

Jeffery Smith

Free Grace Press

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I cannot think of a more necessary message to be given to churches and ministers of all types and kinds. For the pragmatist, it is a call to abandon the carnal strategies of the secular world that have no power to convert the soul. For the solidly Reformed, it is a call to stand and preach the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and to earnestly and urgently call men to repentance and faith. In this brief work, Jeff Smith proves that true gospel preaching is not less than accurate exposition, but it is much more—it is prayer, proclamation, persuasion, and pleading. This book will wake you from the deception of pragmatism and the comfortable slumber of orthodoxy. It will bid you stand in a valley of dry bones and call the dead to live." —Paul Washer

  • Paperback
  • 143 pages
  • 2019
  • 9781952599002