Coming of the Saviour King: Readings for Advent

Rob Slane

Day One Publications

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Every year, millions of people across the world celebrate Christmas. But, increasingly, the message of this momentous event is becoming lost, even in the church, drowned out by the commercialism that now seems to engulf both the day itself and the run up to it. The purpose of this book is to put Christ back into Christmas, showing why the birth of the baby in the manger was such an earth-shattering event, and how it was the culmination of God’s promises since the dawn of time to send a Savior and a King to redeem his people and rule the world. Designed as a series of short daily readings to be read during Advent, the book offers a sweep through some of the major biblical events and prophecies that foreshadowed the coming of God’s Messiah and his kingdom. Christmas should be a time of celebration—but here’s the real reason why.

About the Author:

Rob Slane lives in Salisbury with his wife, Alina, and their six children. He is Head of Marketing for an international economics firm, and an elder at Christ Church Salisbury. He writes regularly for various organizations, including Samaritan Ministries International, Reformed Perspective and The Conservative Woman, and has authored two apologetics books, The God Reality: A Critique of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion and A Christian and an Unbeliever Discuss Life, the Universe and EverythingHe blogs on political, social and theological issues at When he has any spare time, Rob loves to cook, play guitar, read, and beat his children at Connect 4— though never at the same time.