This classic work is by one of the most beloved and most readable of all the English Puritans, Thomas Watson.
In our day of easy believism and cheap grace, this book stands apart. The author writes of the “holy violence” a person needs to put forth if he would enter heaven: violence to his sin and violence to his own nature.
He must storm the gates of heaven, in accordance with Matthew 11:12. This is not legalism, nor is it salvation by works. It is, as Jonathan Edwards described it, “pressing into the kingdom.”
This book, first published in 1669, has been retypeset and modernized by Dr. Don Kistler to be more “reader friendly.”
It is printed on acid-free paper and sewn together rather than glued, for a 200-300 year life.
- Hardcover
- 150 pages
- 2007
- 9780979857935