The pursuit of truth continues for Ira Pointer in this fourth theological novel from the pen of Richard Belcher. The subject of his search is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The journey begins as Pastor Pointer meets and befriends one of the most unique, intriguing and tragic men he will ever encounter. This man of tremendous talent is Pastor Pointer's successor at his previous pastorate, and he is the one who triggers the search with the question, "Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit since you were saved?" With the search on, Pastor Ira faces many questions about the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? What work does the Holy Spirit perform? What about the filling of the Holy Spirit? Should all Christians expect to receive the gift of tongues as evidence of the fullness of the Spirit? Is there a distinction between the tongues of Acts and the tongues of I Corinthians? Has the gift of tongues ceased in the present day? The answers to these other questions, plus the tragic life of his new friend, are used of God to teach him many lessons concerning the person and work of the Holy Spirit.