Reflecting on Hebrews 11:2425, Jeremiah Burroughs ponders how Moses relinquished his noble and comfortable rights as the son of Pharaoh's daughter to find greater honor as a suffering son of Abraham. Burroughs explains how Christians are called to deny all honors, privileges, and delights for the sake of Christ. He also shows how God is especially honored when we forgo selfish desires at a time when they seem most advantageous to us. You will benefit greatly to see how faith acts to transform losses caused by self- denial into true honor. This is an insightful, practical booka helpful antidote for our natural selfishness. Table of Contents To the Christian Reader From the Author The Introduction SECTION I 1. All Honors and Delights Are to Be Denied for Christ 2. External Honor and Nobility Are to Be Denied 3. All Delights Are to Be Denied for Christ SECTION II 4. We Must Deny All Worldly Pleasures and Preferments in the Very Prime of Our Time, When We Have Opportunity to Enjoy Them to the Fullest 5. Proof that Our Profession of Religion Is Sincere 6. Use of Comfort 7. Use of Reproof 8. Use of Instruction SECTION III 9. Faith Is the Operative Principle 10. Six More Particulars Wherein the Power of Faith Is Seen in Taking the Heart Off from the World and Carrying It Through All Afflictions 11. Most Men Are Strangers to This Precious Faith, and the Trial Thereof Discovered 12. No Wonder That Men of Great Parts, Lacking Faith, Fall Away from Christ and Betray His Cause 13. The Difference between the Heat of Men's Own Resolutions and the True Heat of the Heart by Faith in Suffering for Christ 14. How to Know Where the Root or Principle from Whence All that We Do or Suffer Comes 15. Comfort to Those Who Have True Faith 16. The Means to Maintain and Strengthen Our Faith