Practical Christianity Illustrated by Samuel Walker. First published in the 1700's this work probes in depth what true Christianity really is. Walker was a pastor for years before realizing that he was unconverted, even though outwardly living a very moral life. Practical Christianity Illustrated penetrates the heart and exposes the sin and depravity in the hearts of all. He draws clear distinctions between the truly converted and the unconverted heart. Added to the original work are biographical material and A Scheme of Private Instruction, detailing Walker's counseling work with unbelievers, from The Life and Ministry of the Rev. Samuel Walker, B.A. by Edwin Sidney. Also included are sermons The Helplessness of Man, The Holiness of God, and The Believer a New Creature from another of Walker's works, The Christian. Taken together this book provides a look at the human heart and true conversion which are rarely seen or preached today. Walker said, "It is plain from the case of Ahab and Judas, and many others recorded in Scripture, that men may have some stinging sense of guilt, of their liableness to wrath, especially for some particular sins, who notwithstanding never attain unto a saving conviction of sin. And this, it is to be feared, is every day the case of many who stop in awakenings and a galling sense of guilt arising merely from particular transgressions, while, in the meantime, have never seen the fact of their fallen nature, they have never seen the most distinguished and eminent part of their guilt, and so never arrive unto an inward and saving conversion; but catch hastily at some false relief from their distress, and rest in something or other miscalled faith, while they are entirely void of the thing itself, namely, a living principle which purifies the heart."