Sweet Communion

Arie de Reuver

Baker Books

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Sweet Communion, the newest addition to the acclaimed Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought series, introduces scholars and interested Reformed readers to the spirituality practiced during the Further Reformation, a seventeenth- century movement that strove for a contemporary application of the sixteenth-century Reformation. The book is organized around leading figures of the era, including Willem Teellinck, Theodorus a Brakel, Guiljelmus Saldenus, Wilhelmus a Brakel, and Herman Witsius. Sweet Communion examines the quality, form, and roots of this period's spirituality. De Reuver determines that each of the Further Reformation authors promotes a spirituality in which the heart experiences communion with God by the Word and Spirit. In examining the roots of this spirituality, de Reuver reaches back to the Middle Ages and the spirituality of Thomas a Kempis and Bernard of Clairvaux.