Travel with William Grimshaw

Day One Publications

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A dissolute and wasted life was transformed into one of the most effective preachers in the north of England in the eighteenth century. When William Grimshaw arrived at Haworth as the new parish minister, only a handful attended the church; within a few years over a thousand could be found at the service of communion. John Wesley once hoped that he would succeed him as leader of the Methodists, but Grimshaw's unsparing work for the gospel meant that he died nearly thirty years before Wesley! This is the incredible story of an eccentric enthusiast for the Christian message.

About the Author:

Fred Perry has written two books based on research while Cropwood Fellow at the University of Cambridge Institute for Criminology. He was minister at Frizinghall Congregational Church, had a shared ministry and was later Moderator of Lister Hill Baptist Church, Leeds. Retiring on health grounds after fifteen years as an adviser with the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, he became Hon. Secretary and trustee of the Leeds European Refugee Trust which was instrumental in bringing 500 refugees to Britain during the Bosnian war. Married for fifty years, he and Jean have four children.